Beware of Solicitations for Disaster Relief Donations
The IAFF has been notified that unknown individuals have attempted to solicit charitable donations for Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief Operations by telephone. During these phone calls, the scammers claimed to represent a Fire Fighter's Association. These solicitations are in no way affiliated with IAFF operations and exercise caution with all solicitations regardless of their method of delivery. Members wishing to make donations can do so by navigating to the IAFF Charitable Foundation website at or by clicking on the following link.
Application for Disaster Relief
*** IMPORTANT: When activating your Debit Card, use '1750' for the Last Four Digits of your S/N and use '20006' as the billing zip. ***
Application Form
Vaccinations Available to IAFF Members
For Information regarding the Emergency Dispensing of Prescription Medication, click on the link here or navigate to
Why You Should Consider Receiving a Hepatitis-A Vaccination
IAFF Vaccination Locations
Important Information Regarding Environmental Exposure Threats
Zika Advisory
Disposing of Dead Bodies After a Disaster
Harvey Disaster Preparedness Personal Protection Information Guide
Hurricane Harvey Exposure Tracking App User Guide
Hurricane Harvey Exposure Tracking App
Interactive Maps for Area Flooding